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About 43 Air School 43 Air School Proudly welcomes you to World Class Pilot Training. We deliver this by setting the highest standards, unmatched facilities and a serious passion for aviation. We have professionally trained well over 5000 graduates for the general, airline and military aviation sectors over the past 28 years but it’s our ability to exceed the expectations of our customers that differentiates us. 43 is Africa’s only Jeppesen and Boeing approved ab-initio facility and we are the only school able to offer an iATPL, along with our Jet Pilot Program (JPP) this enables us to deliver a first officer airline ready candidate in less than 24 months. Our locations in RSA have contingent dedicated flying training areas, low air traffic density and ready access to instrument training facilities focusing students on what they have enrolled for. Dedicated live on-campus facilities ensure our student’s social needs are catered for. Our 43 Instructor’s experience is unmatched in the industry and the team is headed by professionals that have had distinguished careers in aviation. 43 is committed to ensuring that we stay abreast of industry developments and aviation instruction methodologies. Our 43 eLearning offering for iPad in conjunction with a structured ground school and dedicated instructors assists students to reach their full potential. 43 owns the largest and best-maintained fleet of aircraft on the continent and glass cockpit offerings are available on our complex trainers. Our vast experience and leadership in training place 43 Air School at the forefront of international training standards. Why train at 43 Air School? Unsurpassed instructor capability Largest "on location" training fleet in the Southern Hemisphere One of only two Boeing Jeppeson training schools Largest "live on campus" facility in Africa Jeppeson’s only approved e-learning syllabus for iPad in Africa Only Boeing approved integrated ATPL program worldwide 43 Air School is a dedicated flying training organisation, catering for the private, general commercial, airline and military sectors. We have extensive experience in training self and corporate sponsored pilots from different cultural backgrounds and from various countries around the world. The school offers a full residential service and has an average student population of approximately 300 at its main and Bulembu campuses. The staff complement is about 200. From its simple beginnings in 1942, 43 Air School has established a reputation within the SA aviation industry for providing a high standard flying training service. All our courses are approved by the South African Civil Aviation Authority. Our success is the result of having a relevant and achievable philosophy, sophisticated training programmes to translate that philosophy into tangible results, and effective management systems to provide quality control. And, of course, the right people to do the job. Training Philosophy Our philosophy is to give you a genuine operational capability, that is, to teach you to do the job you are licenced to do, and do it well. Whether a private or career pilot. Being able to do the job entails a lot more than controlling an aeroplane correctly and accurately. It includes effective and adaptable procedures, an applied operational knowledge, good and confident command skills. All these are taught and then practised through planned exposure to various conditions and situations. Our success is the result of having a relevant and achievable philosophy, sophisticated training programmes to translate that philosophy into tangible results, and effective management systems to provide quality control. And, of course, the right people to do the job. 43 Air School has identified specific objectives for all these aspects and designed step by step and logically structured programmes that achieve these. Theory and practical training are integrated throughout, and every dual and solo hour is used strategically for maximum productivity. There is no unstructured “hour building”. Management programmes monitor not only yours, but also our performance, identify problems, and ensure corrective action. In addition to the Chief Flight and Ground instructors, the School has four standards flight instructors whose sole purpose is to perform a continuous quality control function. Staff are all full-time professionals, with extensive operational and instructional experience. The College Registrar liaises with and takes care of the interests of our students. FAQS How old do I need to be to start training? The min. age requirement is 17 years old for a Private Pilot Licence, & 18 years old for a Commercial Pilot Licence or Frozen ATPL. What are the minimum Educational Requirements? We suggest a C+ in School graduating Core Mathematics, Physical Science & English. What if I didn’t take Core Mathematics and Physical Science? We would advise that you first achieve this requirement, although not a pre-request it is highly recommended. Other than my school subjects, what else do I need to qualify for enrolment? You will need to pass aviation medical exam (done by an Aviation Doctor) and an English Proficiency test. These are included in your course fees, however, should you have any pre-existing medical conditions we would strongly suggest that you have your medical done before you arrive. What conditions could prevent me from obtaining an Aviation Medical? Colour Blindness, Diabetes (Type 1), Epilepsy and Lung/Cardiac disorders to mention a few. What Qualifications does 43 offer? We offer Private and Commercial Pilot Licences, Airline Pilot’s Licence, as well as Air Traffic control training and aircraft maintenance courses. How do I enrol in a course? Sign all the pages of estimate sent to you and return them to us, along with the following documents: Copy of your ID/Passport, School Leaving Certificate, Copy of your Medical Aid Cover, & Proof of payment for your Deposit (to secure your enrollment). Do I need to have a Study Visa? If you are a foreign student, you will need to have a study visa to study at 43 Air School, valid for a 24 Month period. Do you offer Sponsorships or Bursaries? Unfortunately, we do not offer Bursaries or Sponsorships as we are not the user of the end product. What is a COMPASS Assessment? COMPASS (Computerized Pilot Aptitude Screening System) is a PC-based pilot selection tool that fulfils the need for a reliable, objective, scientifically proven and cost-effective screening method. What does a COMPASS Assessment test? COMPASS consists of six tests which have been developed to test some of the key aptitude areas for professional pilots. The tests include: Control: a compensation task looking at basic hand/foot/eye co-ordination Slalom: a tracking task looking at hand/eye co-ordination Mathematics: a test of basic applied mathematical understanding and speed Memory: accuracy of short-term memory recall and ability to 'chunk' information Task Manager: a test of the candidate's ability to scan the screen and manage two concurrent tasks accurately and quickly Orientation: instrument interpretation, comprehension and spatial orientation. Tech-Test: technical comprehension test (physics test). Aviation - English: test English language ability, including recognizing ATC sound messages. Verbal reasoning: the ability of the candidate to understand, analyze and logically interpret written information A Checklist Professional Profile is also drawn up, displaying expanded details on subjects like personal and relational competencies and potential misbalances, followed by a conclusion and advice. These competencies include: Resilience Stress Tolerance Impulse Control Ambition Accuracy Perseverance Dominance Persuasiveness Assertiveness Teamwork Helpfulness Empathy Autonomy Openness Need for variation How does the COMPASS assessment benefit me? The COMPASS assessment will immediately read out if you have enough potential to function as a pilot. It clearly defines to which extend the demanded personal competencies are already present and /or in which way they need to be further developed. This school offers programs in: English

Who is this course for: Charter flying, bush pilot
Duration: 378 Days
Flying Hours Included: 199
“The Integrated CPL/IR is a full time course, ab-initio to qualification as a Commercial Pilot with Multi-Engine Instrument Rating. Designed from the outset to train a professional pilot, the course provides seamless training to CPL/IR. The unique aspect of this training program is that there is no requirement to qualify as a Private Pilot en route to your professional pilot qualification, so allowing training to be arranged in the most efficient & effective way to lead you to a career in professional aviation.”
What is included in the course :
3 meals a day
Laundry Service
Gym membership
Lecture Fees
Courseware and Equipment
Landing Fees
Exam Fees
CAA Fees
Pre-Entry Requirements
ICAO English Language Prociency Level 4
School graduating level Core Mathematics and Physical Science
South African Aviation Medical (Class 1)
Final Qualification:
South African CAA Commercial Pilot Licence, with Multi-Engine Class and Instrument Rating

This school offers programs in:


Who is this course for: Professional career pilots who want to fly specifically for Airlines
Duration: 14 Months
Flying Hours Included: 199
The 43 iATPL delivers a qualification with a Frozen ATPL and a Commercial Licence + Multi Engine Instrument Pilot including the Airline Transport Licence theory credits and a Jet MCC* licence endorsement achieved at Airline level.
Designed bespoke for Airline Career Pilots this course provides seamless training by preparing the candidate ready for an Airline Type Rating*.
Unique aspect of this training program is that there is no requirement to qualify as a Private Pilot, allowing training to be arranged in the most cost efficient & effective way to best prepare you for your Airline Career.
Airline Aircraft Type : *Boeing 738NG (Future Airbus A320 option)
Duration: 14 Months
This course includes :
3 meals a day
Laundry Service
Gym membership
Lecture Fees
Courseware and Equipment
Landing Fees
Exam Fees
CAA Fees
Pre-Entry Requirements
ICAO English Language Proficiency Level 4
School Graduating level Core Mathematics and Physical Science
South African Aviation Medical (Class 1)
Final Qualification:
CPL/IR (Multi-Engine) with ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Credits
Jet Airline MCC Licence Endorsement

This school offers programs in:


Duration: 17 Months
Flying Hours Included: 335
The 43 JPP delivers an Airline Ready qualification with a Frozen ATPL and Commercial Licence + Multi Engine Instrument rating with Airline Transport Licence theory credits and a Boeing 737-800 Type Rating (FO First officer) – included a Jet MCC, Aircraft handling and the necessary licence endorsement.
Designed specifically from the Airline Career Pilot, this course provides a seamless qualification for the candidate with Airline Type Rating* (FO First officer).
Unique aspect of this training program is that there is no requirement to qualify as a Private Pilot, allowing training delivered in the most cost efficient & effective way to deliver,in the shortest time possible, a candidate that is Airline employable ready.
Airline Aircraft Type: *Boeing 738NG (Future Airbus A320 option)
Duration: 17 Months
This course includes:
3 meals a day
Laundry Service
Gym membership
Lecture Fees
Courseware and Equipment
Landing Fees
Exam Fees
CAA Fees
Pre-Entry Requirements
ICAO English Proficiency Level 4
School Leaving Level Core Mathematics and Physical Science
Applicants must be 18 years of age
Final Qualification:
CPL / IR (Multi-Engine) with ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Credits,
Boeing 737 – 800 NG Type Rating
CRM Endorsement
TCAS/ACAS Endorsement
LVO Endorsement
MCC Endorsement
RNAV/GNSS Endorsement
RVSM Endorsement
CFIT/ GPWS Endorsement
ETOPS Endorsement

This school offers programs in:


Duration: 912 Days
Aircraft maintenance training can be your ticket to a successful future in the aircraft maintenance industry throughout the world. Our training curriculum has been customized with the help of Aircraft Maintenance Organizations to ensure that students gain the required industry specific aviation maintenance knowledge and skills. Our training academy can assist students in selecting a specific trade in-line with their aptitude and area of interest.
Pre-Entry Requirements
ICAO Level 4 English
Mathematics and Physical Science are highly recommended
Must be physically mobile and able to do manual labour
Must be 18 years or older
Final Qualification:
Aircraft Maintenance Mechanic (96269)
Aircraft Maintenance Structure Worker (96270)
Aircraft Electrician (91173)

This school offers programs in:


Duration: 87 Days
This program is designed to take the candidate from CPL/IR level in a light, single pilot aircraft to type rating in a Jet Airliner. While delivered as a type-specific course (Boeing 737-800), the concepts learned apply to type rating in any modern commercial jet transport. The program includes multi-crew co-operation, jet aircraft handling and type rating. The course equips the candidate for direct entry into the right-hand seat of an airliner.
Phase 1 – Technical Familiarisation
The objective of this phase is to establish a sound technical knowledge of the aircraft type. This type technical foundation will provide the understanding required to effectively function as a crew member for the duration of this course. Furthermore, this technical competency is of the level that will be required when completing the type rating with the operator.
This technical knowledge competency is achieved in 3 ways:
Full Type Technical course (CBT/Lectures)
Simulator “walk through” of all technical systems
Technical systems exam
The simulator sessions will be supported by CBT, lecture and briefing time.
Phase 2 – Flight Management System & Auto Flight
Phase 2 introduces the basic functionalities of the Flight Management System and Auto flight System of the B738/A320. Phase 2 training is a requirement to take full benefit of the subsequent phases. In order to be able to control the aircraft in flight to a level that further learning can take place, these two core elements of any modern aircraft need some sort of basic understanding and familiarisation.
The simulator session will be supported by CBT, lecture and briefing time.
Phase 3 – Jet Handling & Manufacturer SOP Development
Phase 3 is the very heart of the course. During this phase core competencies of aircraft handling, flight path management and Airline standard operational practices are developed
The following elements are covered:
Introduction to the Boeing/Airbus Operator SOP and operational philosophy
EFIS flight deck operations
Jet aircraft handling
Spectrum of aircraft approaches
Levels of aircraft management/automation
Take offs and landings
Full FMC functionality
Full Auto flight functionality
MCC competency applying Boeing/Airbus Operator SOP’s
LOFT: Normal procedures
Phase 4 – Non-Normal Procedures
Phase 4 introduces Non-Normal Procedures in a systematic way.
Firstly, the major/handling abnormalities are mastered:
Engine Failure/Fire: various phases of flight
Rejected Take Off
Related non-normal procedures
This is further enhanced by revisiting the MCC elements and principles of non-normal operations during the pre-course Airline Preparation Training program. The Boeing/Airbus philosophy of nonnormal operations is re-emphasized.
To assure competency, this phase is completed with several LOFT sessions which include a spectrum of events requiring the application of MCC principles to conclude the flight safety and commercial requirements.
Phase 5 – Advanced Concepts
This phase addresses the listed operational elements of a Boeing B738/Airbus A320. These elements round off the complete operational capability of the candidate, readying the candidate for flight line integration.
These concepts include:
GNSS Approaches
Low Visibility Procedures
Cold/Hot weather operations
Wind shear
Weather avoidance
Phase 6 – Operator Consolidation and Evaluation
Phase 6 is the proof of the overall holistic competency gained. The phase consists of four Line Orientated Evaluation sessions flown with a real type rated Line Captain. This P1 position could be facilitated by 43 Air School, or by the operator sponsoring the training. The latter case will allow the operator an “insider’s view” of the candidate operational competency level achieved. This may even be an opportunity for a potential employer to assess candidate competency.
Moreover, the operator may want to use this “inside view” opportunity as part of the integrated assessment and finishing training on type within the company. This phase culminates with a session of consolidation, followed by the Type Preparedness check. The simulator session will be supported by CBT, lecture and briefing time
Pre-Entry Requirements
Valid CPL
Valid Instrument Rating
Valid Multi-Engine Piston Class Rating
43 Air School Expertisation or similar concept
Valid CRM
Final Qualification:
Boeing 737 – 800 NG Type Rating
CRM Endorsement
TCAS/ACAS Endorsement
LVO Endorsement
MCC Endorsement
RNAV/GNSS Endorsement
RVSM Endorsement
CFIT/ GPWS Endorsement
ETOPS Endorsement

This school offers programs in:


Duration: 21 – 25 Days
43 Advanced is Africa s premier Beechcraft 1900 type rating training institution, 43 Advanced have developed a training program to provide clients with a world class type rating by:
Aligning our training standards to international best practice standards
Providing world class training facilities
Using highly experienced type rated instructors
Offering Full Motion Level D Zero-Flight time certified simulation as a training platform
Phase 1 – Ground School
Aircraft Technical Systems Training
Flight Planning, Performance and W & B
Aircraft Systems & Performance Quiz
EFIS 84 Training
ACAS / TCAS II Training
EGPWS Training
Multi Crew Coordination Training
Cockpit Procedures Training – Normal Procedures
Cockpit Procedures Training – Abnormal/ Emergency Procedures
Phase 2 – Flight Simulator Training
16 Hours in 4 Simulator sessions
Session 1 – Normal Procedures (4 Hours)
Session 2 – Normal and Abnormal Procedures (4 Hours)
Session 3 – Abnormal Procedures (4 Hours)
Session 4 – Line Oritentated Flight Training / Prof Check (4 Hours)
Pre-Entry Requirements
The following documentation will be required to attend the type rating course at 43 Advanced
Valid Pilots License
Valid Aviation Medical Certificate
Proof of Citizenship (official ID or valid passport)
Pilot s logbook
Please note that 43 Advanced requries clients to be current in terms of Multi Engine Instrument Flying. The course is designed to provide the client with aircraft type specific training and not basic multi engine/instrument flying training.
Should recurrent training be required before the commencement of this course, 43 Advanced offers a Multi Engine instrument flying currency program.
Multi Engine Rating
Multi Engine Instrument Rating
SACAA CPL/ATPL or other *NAA equivalent
English Language Proficiency of 4 or above
Class 1 or 2 Aviation Medical
Please note:
Should the client not hold a SACAA CPL/ATPL, it becomes vital that the client enquire and confirm with their NAA whether the type rating may be obtained in South Africa.
43 Advanced will gladly assist the client with this process.

This school offers programs in:


A qui est destiné ce cours: pilotes de carrière professionnelle qui veulent voler spécifiquement pour les compagnies aériennes
Durée: 14 Mois
Heures de vol inclus: 199
Le 43 iATPL délivre une qualification avec un ATPL Frozen et un permis de pêche commerciale + multi Engine Instrument Pilot y compris les crédits théoriques Airline Licence Transport et un MCC Jet * de l approbation de licence réalisés au niveau de la compagnie aérienne.
sur mesure Conçu pour des pilotes de ligne de carrière ce cours offre une formation homogène en préparant le candidat prêt pour un type Airline Note *.
aspect unique de ce programme de formation est qu il n y a pas d obligation de se qualifier en tant que pilote privé, ce qui permet la formation à disposer dans le meilleur rapport coût moyen efficace et efficace pour vous préparer au mieux pour votre carrière Airline.
Compagnie aérienne Type d aéronef: * Boeing 738NG (Future Airbus option A320)
Durée: 14 Mois
Ce cours comprend:
3 repas par jour
Service de blanchisserie
adhésion Gym
Frais de cours
Didacticiel et équipements
Frais d atterrissage
Frais d examen
Honoraires CAA
Exigences préalables à l entrée
OACI English Language Proficiency Niveau 4
Niveau scolaire de finissants de base en mathématiques et en sciences physiques
South African Aviation médicale (classe 1)
Qualification Finale:
CPL / IR (Multi-Engine) avec ATPL Crédits connaissances théoriques
Jet Airline MCC Licence Approbation

Cet établissement propose des programmes en :


A qui est destiné ce cours: volant de la Charte, pilote de brousse
Durée: 378 Jours
Heures de vol inclus: 199
«Le CPL / IR intégré est un cours à temps plein, ab-initio à la qualification en tant que pilote professionnel avec Multi-Engine Instrument Rating. Conçu dès le départ pour former un pilote professionnel, le cours offre une formation homogène aux CPL / IR. L aspect unique de ce programme de formation est qu il n y a pas d obligation de se qualifier en tant que pilote privé en route vers votre qualification de pilote professionnel, permettant ainsi la formation à disposer de la manière la plus efficace et efficace pour vous mener à une carrière dans l aviation professionnelle. ”
Ce qui est inclus dans le cours:
3 repas par jour
Service de blanchisserie
adhésion Gym
Frais de cours
Didacticiel et équipements
Frais d atterrissage
Frais d examen
Honoraires CAA
Exigences préalables à l entrée
OACI English Language Prociency Niveau 4
Niveau scolaire de finissants de base en mathématiques et en sciences physiques
South African Aviation médicale (classe 1)
Qualification Finale:
CAA South African licence de pilote professionnel, avec multimoteurs et aux instruments

Cet établissement propose des programmes en :


Durée: 912 Jours
formation à la maintenance des aéronefs peut être votre billet pour un avenir couronné de succès dans l industrie de l entretien des avions dans le monde entier. Notre programme de formation a été personnalisé avec l aide des organisations de maintenance des aéronefs pour assurer que les élèves acquièrent les connaissances de maintenance aéronautique spécifique de l industrie et les habiletés requises. Notre académie de formation peut aider les étudiants à choisir un métier spécifique en ligne avec leur aptitude et leur domaine d intérêt.
Exigences préalables à l entrée
Niveau 4 de l OACI English
Mathématiques et physique sont fortement recommandés
Doit être physiquement mobile et capable de faire le travail manuel
Doit être 18 ans ou plus
Qualification Finale:
Mécanicien d entretien d aéronefs (96269)
Aircraft Structure d entretien des travailleurs (96270)
Aircraft Électricien (91173)

Cet établissement propose des programmes en :


Durée: 17 Mois
Heures de vol inclus: 335
Le 43 JPP délivre une qualification Airline Ready avec une note Frozen ATPL et Commercial Licence + Multi Instrument Engine avec des crédits Airline Licence Transport de théorie et un type Boeing 737-800 Note (FO premier officier) – inclus une manipulation Jet MCC, aéronefs et la nécessaire approbation de licence.
Conçu spécifiquement de la compagnie aérienne de carrière de pilote, ce cours offre une qualification sans faille pour le candidat avec le type Airline Note * (FO Premier officier).
aspect unique de ce programme de formation est qu il n y a pas d obligation de se qualifier en tant que pilote privé, ce qui permet la formation dispensée dans le meilleur rapport coût moyen efficace et efficace de fournir, dans les plus brefs délais, un candidat qui est employable Airline prêt.
Compagnie aérienne Type d aéronef: * Boeing 738NG (Future Airbus option A320)
Durée: 17 Mois
Ce cours comprend:
3 repas par jour
Service de blanchisserie
adhésion Gym
Frais de cours
Didacticiel et équipements
Frais d atterrissage
Frais d examen
Honoraires CAA
Exigences préalables à l entrée
OACI English Proficiency Niveau 4
School Leaving Niveau de base en mathématiques et en sciences physiques
Les candidats doivent être de 18 ans
Qualification Finale:
CPL / IR (Multi-Engine) avec ATPL Crédits connaissances théoriques,
Boeing 737-800 NG qualification de type
CRM Approbation
TCAS / ACAS Approbation
LVO Approbation
MCC Approbation
RNAV / GNSS Approbation
RVSM Approbation
CFIT / GPWS Approbation
ETOPS Approbation

Cet établissement propose des programmes en :


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