With a maximum of six students per course, Beyond Borders Wildlife Film School, situated in the world-famous Kruger Nati...
Who We Are Spark Egypt For Training And Development Training is not just a course taken or a piece of information given ...
Regent Business School (RBS) was established to satisfy the increasing demand for management education in Southern Afric...
International Hotel School (IHS) is the place to study if you daydream about running your own hotel or restaurant, or wo...
Founded in 2008, Ecole Supérieure de Télécommunication d' Informatique et de Management (Higher School of Telecommuni...
Founded in 2007, Institut Supérieur des Nouvelles Technologies de Commerce de Bâtiment et de Santé (Higher Institute ...
Sadat Academy for Management Sciences (SAMS) (Arabic:أكاديمية السادات للعلوم الإداري...
Fondée en 1973, l'Ecole polytechnique de Thiès est une institution publique d'enseignement supérieur à but non lucra...
Founded in 2009, Ecole Centrale des Logiciels Libres et des Télécommunications (Central School of Free Software and Te...
Institut International de Management (International Institute of Managemen) is a private higher education institution l...
Established in 1991, Institut Polytechnique de Dakar (Polytechnic Institute of Dakar) is a private higher education ins...
Ecole Supérieure de Génies (Higher School of Engineering) is a private higher education institution located in the la...
Established in 2012, Ensup Afrique is a private higher education institution located in the large city of Dakar (popula...
Established in 2000, Institut Africain de Commerce et de Marketing (African Institute of Commerce and Marketing) is a p...
Friends of Design attracts creative people who share with us a passion for all forms of design. People come here to lear...
The Canadian International College (CIC) in Cairo, Egypt, is a great example of CBU’s experience building strong int...