This internationally accredited programme is aimed at working professionals who want to acquire general management skills underpinned by an entrepreneurial approach to business.
This one-year programme has two formats – Blended Learning and Modular. The Blended Learning format (mixed learning format) with compulsory on-campus blocks at the start and the end of the programme. In between these blocks, classes are presented late afternoons on Wednesdays, and students can choose between on-campus and online delivery. The Modular PGDip BMA is delivered in five one-week blocks (Monday to Saturday) spread over one year.
Classes are presented in English. The programme comprises 120 credits.
Learn while you earn
This is a learn-while-you-earn programme. Both formats – Blended Learning and Modular – allow you to study while you work without infringing too much upon your work obligations. It also allows you to start applying your newly acquired skills in your workplace right from the start.
Programme outcomes
The purpose of this general management programme is to:
Equip you with entrepreneurial skills
Broaden your knowledge of the various management disciplines in the business environment
Enable you as a working professional to undertake development by means of a systematic survey of current thinking and practice and to learn via application in a working environment
Equip you with the ability to define and develop an enterprise’s value proposition in an increasingly competitive and volatile environment
Enable you to use analytic skills to deal with business problems, but always within the particular social system in which you operate
Deal with business problems both systematically and analytically.
Structure and content
Learn while you earn
This is a learn-while-you-earn programme. The unique combination of modular, part-time and/or blended learning allows you to study while you work without infringing too much upon your work obligations. It also allows you to start applying your newly acquired skills in your workplace right from the start.
The programme allows for flexibility in various ways. It combines classroom delivery with online delivery, offering students the option of mixed learning or blended learning (see below). It also offers students a choice between hardcopy (printed) books and e-books, which may reduce the cost of books for students.
Choose the format that works best for you
You may opt to attend all the classes on the USB campus in Cape Town north, or you may opt to combine the class contact sessions with online delivery modes.
All students need to attend the first block (orientation) and the last block (electives) on the USB campus. The classes in between, i.e. from February to October, are presented on campus as well as online on Wednesday afternoons (from 16:00 till 20:00), giving students the option to attend on-campus classes or to watch live-streamed classes online from wherever they are.
Students can choose to do the Wednesday afternoon classes in one of the following ways:
On campus at USB (residential delivery) OR
Online with web-based support (blended delivery) OR
A combination of on-campus sessions and online learning (mixed delivery).
The blended delivery option opens up access to students from elsewhere in South Africa, from other African countries and even further afield. If you do the Wednesday afternoon classes through online studies, you only need to travel to USB twice during the year, which lowers the opportunity cost to obtain this postgraduate diploma.
The duration of the programme is one year for all modes of delivery.
Gain access to an MBA
From 2016 onwards, no direct access to an MBA will be allowed at a South African academic institution without an appropriate four-year degree or postgraduate qualification. As from 2016, this postgraduate diploma will provide access to USB’s internationally accredited MBA for those who pass at a particular level.
Cost & Fees
NOTE: The full programme fees for 2017 for South African and other applicants will be made available later this year.
Blended Learning PGDip BMA Starts 16 January 2017
Modular PGDip BMA Starts 6 February 2017
Deadline for applications
South African students: 30 November each year
ARPL applicants: 30 October of each year
Foreign students from (visa-exempt) SADC countries: 30 October each year
Foreign students from other African countries and rest of world: 30 September each year
This school offers programs in:
This degree will enable you to confidently coach managers and leaders towards reaching their full potential. This programme adheres to international best practice while also emphasising management coaching in a uniquely African context.
Learning philosophy
The learning philosophy of the MPhil in Management Coaching is based on:
Growing human capital, developing talent in leaders and managers Having discovered your own authentic coaching style and having acquired professional coaching skills, you can support the growth of others through coaching. Also, as a manager, you can use a coaching management style to foster a stronger performance culture while offering support for continuous growth.
Leading with confidence For executives and professional coaches, management coaching offers a way to develop leadership capabilities that will help you to face both current and potential challenges as you move up the ranks of your organisation. It also allows you to develop your potential in other areas of business or private practice.
Using the coaching style that works for you This qualification offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and establish your credentials in management coaching. You will be exposed to various coaching models, approaches and frameworks. At the same time, you will be encouraged to discover and experiment with the approaches and frameworks that work best for you in order to develop a personal and authentic style of coaching.
Making a difference right from the start Presented in blocks over time, this modular programme is underpinned by solid theory (lectures, case studies, tutorials and assignments) as well as practical experience (giving and receiving coaching, supervision, and research and development). This allows participants to apply their newly acquired skills right from the start. Therefore, much of the value of this work-based programme lies in the practical application of coaching in the workplace during the course of the programme. This ensures exposure to real-world coaching while having access to information and support through various platforms. Also, the research and development part of the programme has to be carried out in your own work environment, which allows for the development of competencies based on real-world experience. This will stand you in good stead once you have graduated.
Excelling in management coaching You will learn from distinguished and knowledgeable presenters, and capitalise on the thought leadership of local experts who were pioneers in the field of management coaching in this country. Today, most of these presenters play leading roles in the continued development of coaches worldwide. In addition, only a handful of people worldwide have doctoral degrees in coaching. A number of them will be facilitating and assessing on this MPhil in Management Coaching. During 2013, we have the pleasure of hosting Prof Dusan Stojnov from Serbia – a world expert in constructivism and construct psychology coaching. You will also benefit from comprehensive support throughout the programme.
Operating in a multicultural environment The programme adheres to international best practice, while at the same time emphasising management coaching in a uniquely African context, shaped by diversity and varied cultural and educational backgrounds. It is particularly relevant to South African managers and leaders as it takes into account the diversity, traditions and multicultural environments of this country and the greater African continent. For you, this also means an international application with local specialisation.
Enjoying international acknowledgement The USB’s MPhil in Management Coaching is internationally accredited by the AACSB and EQUIS. It is also the only Management Coaching master’s programme fully accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Building invaluable networks On your MPhil in Management Coaching journey, you will collaborate with people from a wide range of cultures, creeds and countries. You will walk the road of professional and personal development with them. This will broaden your views and add depth to your learning experience. During all of this, you will build valuable networks of business contacts and friendships that will last you a lifetime. Upon graduation, you become part of the powerful USB Alumni Association with its 15 000 members, offering access to continued learning, networking and more.
Learning outcomes
On the successful completion of this programme, participants will demonstrate the ability to:
Understand individual coaching frameworks and models underpinning professional coaching practice
Understand the multiple theoretical perspectives on coaching
Relate these theories to the practical and professional coaching environment
Undertake self-directed learning and take responsibility for self-learning
Operate in an environment characterised by situations challenging their personal beliefs and ethical points of departure
Communicate clearly with a client and manage one-on-one relationships in an ethical and professional way
Analyse and synthesise from theory and multi-client experiences
Retrieve and process information, and draw inference from quantitative and qualitative information
Monitor critically but fairly the growth and progress of the client while learning from the interactions themselves
Understand coaching practice that is congruent with their authentic coaching framework and model
Produce a research assignment which meets the standards of scholarly research and professional writing.
Who will benefit from this degree?
Managers, leaders, human capital development experts and learning facilitators in all industries
Those working with the human aspect of transferring knowledge
Those who support and facilitate growth, performance, relationships and teamwork
Structure and content
Programme format
This work-based, modular programme (block release programme) runs over two years. Apart from a two-day introduction, participants are required to attend four class contact blocks (of a week each) on campus during the first year and complete the final block and a research report during the second year. This will allow students to work full-time while they study. It will also enable working professionals from all over South Africa and beyond its borders to register for the programme.
The programme consists of three phases:
Phase 1 – class programme: Students have to attend four blocks of one week each on the USB campus during the first year. During this time, they will be exposed to various models to discover their own particular framework for coaching. Coaching practice, case studies and assignments form part of this phase of the programme.
Phase 2 – professional assessment: Students’ coaching competence is assessed both in terms of their ability to convey their personal coaching approach and style and in terms of authentically displaying coaching skills which resonate with their own model. This phase takes one week at the beginning of the second year.
Phase 3 – research and development: Students have to complete a research assignment during the second year of enrolment. During this phase, a tutor will be assigned to each student based on the student’s field of interest. Students may schedule a number of face-to-face sessions with their tutors to discuss coaching issues that may arise. The cost of up to five of these sessions is included in the tuition fees.
Throughout – triad practice, supervision and coaching: A significant part of the students’ journey is to coach and be coached. They must complete 40 hours of coaching and receive 20 hours of coaching (all of which is self-funded).
“5 modules (1 each) and a research assignment over 2 years”
Class programme modules
The programme will be delivered through lectures, tutorials, case studies, assignments, practical work and independent research. The class programme covers the following:
Module 1: Orientation to Coaching; Learning Theory and Learning Styles; Adult Learning and Self-organised Learning; Forming Triads; Positive Psychology; Systems Theory and its Relevance to Management Coaching; Ethics in Coaching; Continuous Professional Development (The Art of Reflection); Integral Coaching Model; Skills Practice and Supervision.
Module 2: Coaching Frameworks; The Business Coaching Process; Coaching for Performance; Experiential Models of Coaching; The Role Coaching Plays in Strategy Implementation; Research and Development; Continuous Professional Development, Assignment, Case Studies, Skills Practice and Supervision.
Module 3: Coaching for Organisational Alignment; Leadership and Transformation; A Team Approach to Coaching; Research and Development; Assignment, Skills Practice and Supervision; and Psychology Meets Coaching (how to know your limits and set your personal and professional boundaries).
Module 4: Exploring Learning Conversations in the Context of the African Tradition of Story-telling; An Integral Approach to Coaching Existentially in a World Characterised by Multiculturalism; An Experiential Approach to Coaching; Research and Development; Skills Practice; and Supervision.
Module 5: Professional Assessment of the Student’s Learning Journey; Practical Assessment of Coaching Model and Framework; Practical Assessment of Coaching Ability through a Panel Demonstration; Report Writing; Moderation; Meeting with Tutors; Supervision.
USB reserves the right to modify the contents of subjects and to combine subject matter for better integration of learning areas. This is in the interest of continuous improvement of the curriculum
Dates for learning modules (compulsory)
Orientation: 2 – 4 February 2017
Module 1: 6 – 11 March 2017
Module 2: 22 – 27 May 2017
Module 3: 14 – 19 August 2017
Module 4: 30 October – 4 November 2017
Module 5: 22 – 26 January 2018 (professional assessment)
Dates for supervision for 2017 group (compulsory)
7 – 8 April 2017
24 June 2017
16 September 2017
6 January 2018
Deadline for applications
South African students: 30 November each year
ARPL applicants: 30 October of each year
Foreign students from (visa-exempt) SADC countries: 30 October each year
Foreign students from other African countries and rest of world: 30 September each year
Study permits for foreign students at USB: Obtaining a study permit (study visa) from the South African authorities takes up to 12 weeks from the date of being offered a place on a programme at USB – hence the early application deadline for foreign students.
Multiple entry visas: Students from non-SADC African countries and other countries with visa requirements who need to apply for study visas can obtain a letter from USB confirming the duration of registration at USB. This will help students to obtain multiple-entry study visas in case of modular studies.
Timetable changes: USB reserves the right to change dates of the lecture schedule or subjects per term table. Students will be informed of any changes in good time.
Late applications: USB will do everything possible to accommodate applications submitted after the closing date.
The MPhil in Management Coaching is internationally accredited by AACSB and EQUIS.
Cost & Fees
2017 application fee for all applicants: R1700
NOTE: The full programme fees for 2017 for South African and other applicants will be made available later this year.
Entry Requirements
An honours degree, OR
A four-year professional bachelor’s degree, OR
A three-year bachelor’s degree and a postgraduate diploma.
A minimum of four years of work experience in the field of People Management.
Psychometric testing may also be required.
Previous academic qualifications should be at least on NQF Level 8.
This school offers programs in:
Programme fully subscribed. Applications for this programme are now closed.
The purpose of USB s internationally accredited Ph.D. in Development Finance is to contribute to a crucial understanding of development finance and to support the growth agendas of South Africa, the greater African continent and beyond. It also leads to employable expertise.
What can you do with this Ph.D.?
You will be able to fill senior-level positions aimed at supporting the growth agendas organizations, regions, countries, and even continents. Expertise in development finance is typically required by policy-making institutions, governments, public and private corporations, financial institutions and regional and international organizations.
Programme overview
Formal research on the Ph.D. level will contribute significantly to a crucial understanding of all aspects of development finance. It also leads to employable expertise.
This Ph.D. is intended to develop research and discipline-based knowledge and skills in the field of Development Finance. The programme has been designed to help students develop the skills required to carry out advanced research and to equip them with a sound understanding of the principles and theories underpinning development finance practices. Hence, the programme consists of:
A discipline-based core curriculum: This structured course-work component is a non-credit bearing but candidates are required to pass the required courses and submit a comprehensive proposal before proceeding with the dissertation. Participants need to do three core courses at Ph.D. level. Students who are not graduates of the USB s MPhil in Development Finance (MDevF) programme may be required to do three electives from the MDevF based on their areas of interest.
An independent research thesis: As a Ph.D. student you will be expected to pursue supervised research, culminating in a doctoral dissertation which constitutes the examinable product for which the Ph.D. degree is eventually awarded. This dissertation must:
Represent an original and significant contribution to the enrichment and advancement of knowledge on Development Finance
Demonstrate originality of thought, a theoretical underpinning, relevance to the discipline and rigor in execution
Create intellectual capital, which is the cornerstone of the knowledge society of the 21st century.
Programme format
The first year – 2 blocks of 2 weeks each on campus: In view of the intensive nature of the programme, the USB prefers participants to be fully resident for the first year of the programme to enable them to cope with the rigors of the coursework. The lectures are organized in two blocks of two weeks each and they will take place between March and June every year. Each course is covered in a block and consists of highly interactive lectures, seminars and case discussions. A student who fails to complete the coursework and the research proposal after the first year may be asked to withdraw from the programme.
Second and subsequent years: Full registration to work on your Ph.D. thesis. A promoter or study leader will be appointed once your comprehensive research proposal has been accepted. Once completed, your submitted dissertation will go through an approval process in which external examiners are involved. Upon completion of the Ph.D., the registrant will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Development Finance by Stellenbosch University.
Structured coursework
During their first year, students need to do the following three compulsory courses at Ph.D. level: Advanced Research Techniques, Advanced Theory and Practice of Development Finance and Global Development Finance.
Advanced Research Techniques
This course is designed to help students develop the skills to carry out advanced research in the field of Development Finance and related fields. A major concern among policymakers and donor agencies is how to monitor the performance and evaluate the impact of development finance intervention programmes. Hence, this course covers the skills required to gather and analyze data in order to effectively monitor and evaluate development finance programmes. This course also introduces students to the various research designs and methods suitable for both qualitative and quantitative data gathering and analyses. The course is organized into four parts:
Part 1: Students are exposed to the philosophies of research, addressing questions such as What kinds of research are there? How does one evaluate the quality of a piece of research? What is the process a researcher goes through? In essence, this part stresses the philosophy and research paradigms.
Part 2: Students are exposed to data gathering techniques such as primary and secondary data as well as qualitative and quantitative data. This part stresses how to improve the quality of data gathered and how to assess its worth.
Part 3: Students are exposed to advanced techniques of data analysis with emphasis on quantitative analytical techniques, specifically focusing on applied statistical and advanced econometrics techniques.
Part 4: Students are drilled in advanced academic writing. This part develops students ability to present arguments in a logical, concise and critical manner. It also stresses the quality of presentation in academic writing.
Advanced Theory and Practice of Development Finance
This course is specially designed to deepen students knowledge of the theories, principles, and empirics of development finance practices that prevail among national development finance programmes. This will enable students to apply the relevant principles in the context of a developing economy. To lay the foundation for the analysis and evaluation of development finance cases, programmes and policies, the course presents, within the context of development finance, the micro-foundation theory of market failure, choice under uncertainty, an exchange under uncertainty, asymmetric information, incomplete markets and transaction costs. The course demonstrates how such theories influence the design of common development finance practices. A range of development finance practices – such as microfinance schemes, loan guarantee schemes, direct loan schemes and project finance schemes – are also included. Upon completion of the course, students should be adequately equipped to:
Carry out at an advanced level the evaluation and design of common development finance practices globally
Creatively advance the frontier of practices of development finance within the context of Africa and developing countries in general.
Global Development Finance
Development finance is not limited to national initiatives. Globally, there is increasing realization of the need to attract foreign capital for national development. Foreign capital flows could take the form of foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign equity capital, foreign debt, foreign aid or official development assistance and increased remittances. The role of such capital flows and how best to attract and utilize them, especially in developing countries, remain a crucial policy debate. Moreover, the operations of multilateral and international financial institutions and their protocols are complex. Also, the debate around regional financial integration and the consequent policy advocacy as a mechanism of developing the domestic financial markets and expanding access to foreign capital as a way to develop the domestic economies have reached an unprecedented scale in the last decade. This course, therefore, focuses on these and other issues. The course also demonstrates the nexus between developments in the global financial arena and domestic financial markets. It explores how global financial markets can bridge the gap between domestic resource mobilization and financing needs in Africa. The course also stresses the roles of external finance for development and the mechanisms for attracting them and the dynamics of multilateral institutional arrangements.
Upon completion of the course, students will be well equipped to contribute meaningfully to the analysis and understanding of the issues in Africa and play a leading role in charting a course for Africa.
A minimum period of registration of three years is required. During the first year, students are granted provisional registration for the Ph.D. Full registration for the Ph.D. will only be allowed after the successful completion of the coursework and finalization of the research proposal.
This school offers programs in:
Ce degré vous permettra d encadrer avec confiance les gestionnaires et les dirigeants en vue d atteindre leur plein potentiel. Ce programme est conforme aux meilleures pratiques internationales, tout en mettant l accent sur le coaching de gestion dans un contexte unique africain.
philosophie d apprentissage
La philosophie d apprentissage de l MPhil en Management Coaching est basé sur:
Growing capital humain, le développement des talents dans les dirigeants et les gestionnaires Après avoir découvert votre propre style authentique de coaching et ayant acquis des compétences professionnelles de coaching, vous pouvez soutenir la croissance des autres par le coaching. En outre, en tant que gestionnaire, vous pouvez utiliser un style de gestion de coaching pour favoriser une culture de la performance plus forte, tout en offrant un soutien à la croissance continue.
Diriger avec confiance Pour les cadres et les entraîneurs professionnels, le coaching de gestion offre un moyen de développer les capacités de leadership qui vous aideront à faire face aux défis actuels et potentiels que vous vous déplacez dans les rangs de votre organisation. Il vous permet également de développer votre potentiel dans d autres secteurs d activité ou de la pratique privée.
En utilisant le style de coaching qui fonctionne pour vous Cette qualification vous offre la possibilité d élargir vos connaissances et d établir vos informations d identification dans le coaching de gestion. Vous serez exposé à divers entraîneurs modèles, approches et cadres. Dans le même temps, vous serez encouragés à découvrir et à expérimenter avec les approches et les cadres qui fonctionnent le mieux pour vous dans le but de développer un style personnel et authentique de coaching.
Faire une différence dès le début Présenté dans des blocs au fil du temps, ce programme modulaire est sous-tendue par la théorie solide (conférences, études de cas, des tutoriels et des affectations), ainsi que l expérience pratique (donner et recevoir l encadrement, la supervision et la recherche et le développement). Cela permet aux participants d appliquer leurs compétences nouvellement acquises dès le début. Par conséquent, une grande partie de la valeur de ce programme basé sur le travail réside dans l application pratique du coaching en milieu de travail au cours du programme. Cela garantit une exposition à l entraînement du monde réel tout en ayant accès à l information et de soutien à travers diverses plates-formes. En outre, la partie de la recherche et le développement du programme doit être réalisé dans votre propre environnement de travail, ce qui permet le développement des compétences fondées sur l expérience du monde réel. Cela vous être très utile une fois que vous avez obtenu.
Exceller dans le coaching de gestion Vous apprendrez de présentateurs distingués et compétents, et de capitaliser sur le leadership éclairé d experts locaux qui étaient des pionniers dans le domaine de la gestion de coaching dans ce pays. Aujourd hui, la plupart de ces présentateurs jouent un rôle de premier plan dans le développement continu des entraîneurs dans le monde entier. En outre, seule une poignée de personnes dans le monde entier ont un doctorat en coaching. Un certain nombre d entre eux sera facilite et l évaluation sur ce MPhil en Management Coaching. Au cours de 2013, nous avons le plaisir d accueillir le professeur Dusan Stojnov de la Serbie – un expert mondial dans le constructivisme et construire la psychologie coaching. Vous pourrez également bénéficier d un soutien complet tout au long du programme.
Opérant dans un environnement multiculturel Le programme est conforme aux meilleures pratiques internationales, tout en soulignant en même temps le coaching de gestion dans un contexte unique africain, façonné par la diversité et de milieux culturels et éducatifs variés. Il est particulièrement pertinent pour les gestionnaires sud-africains et les dirigeants car elle tient compte de la diversité, des traditions et des environnements multiculturels de ce pays et le plus grand continent africain. Pour vous, cela signifie également la demande internationale avec spécialisation locale.
Bénéficiant d une reconnaissance internationale MPhil de l USB dans la gestion des entraîneurs est internationalement accrédité par l AACSB et EQUIS. Il est également le seul programme de maîtrise Coaching de gestion entièrement accrédité par le South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Construire des réseaux précieux sur votre MPhil en voyage Coaching de gestion, vous allez collaborer avec des personnes à partir d un large éventail de cultures, de croyances et pays. Vous marcherez la route du développement professionnel et personnel avec eux. Cela permettra d élargir vos vues et ajouter de la profondeur à votre expérience d apprentissage. Pendant tout cela, vous allez construire précieux réseaux de contacts d affaires et des amitiés qui vous durera toute une vie. Après sa graduation, vous faites partie de la puissante Association des anciens USB avec ses 15 000 membres, offrant un accès à l apprentissage continu, la mise en réseau et plus encore.
Les résultats d apprentissage
sur la réussite de ce programme, les participants démontreront la capacité à:
Comprendre les cadres et les modèles de coaching individuel qui sous-tendent la pratique de coaching professionnel
Comprendre les multiples points de vue théoriques sur le coaching
Relate ces théories à l environnement de coaching pratique et professionnelle
Entreprendre l apprentissage auto-dirigé et assumer la responsabilité de l auto-apprentissage
Opérer dans un environnement caractérisé par des situations difficiles leurs croyances personnelles et des points éthiques de départ
Communiquer clairement avec un client et de gérer un-à-un les relations d une manière éthique et professionnelle
Analyser et synthétiser à partir de la théorie et les expériences multi-clients
Récupérer et traiter l information, et tirer des conclusions à partir d informations quantitatives et qualitatives
Surveiller la critique, mais assez la croissance et le progrès du client tout en apprenant des interactions eux-mêmes
Comprendre la pratique de coaching qui est en harmonie avec leur cadre de coaching authentique et modèle
Produire un travail de recherche qui répond aux normes de la recherche scientifique et de l écriture professionnelle.
Qui bénéficiera de cette mesure?
Les gestionnaires, les dirigeants, les experts du développement du capital humain et des facilitateurs d apprentissage dans toutes les industries
Ceux qui travaillent avec l aspect humain de transfert de connaissances
Ceux qui soutiennent et facilitent la croissance, la performance, les relations et le travail d équipe
Structure et contenu
Format Programme
Ce programme modulaire (bloc programme de libération) sur la base de travail fonctionne sur deux ans. Outre une introduction de deux jours, les participants sont tenus d assister à quatre blocs de contact de classe (d une semaine chacun) sur le campus au cours de la première année et compléter le bloc final et un rapport de recherche au cours de la deuxième année. Cela permettra aux étudiants de travailler à temps plein pendant leurs études. Elle permettra également aux professionnels qui travaillent de toute l Afrique du Sud et au-delà de ses frontières pour vous inscrire au programme.
Le programme se compose de trois phases:
Phase 1 – programme de classe: Les élèves doivent assister à quatre blocs d une semaine chacun sur le campus de l USB au cours de la première année. Pendant ce temps, ils seront exposés à différents modèles à découvrir leur propre cadre particulier pour l entraînement. Coaching pratique, des études de cas et les affectations font partie de cette phase du programme.
Phase 2 – évaluation professionnelle: l encadrement de la compétence des élèves est évaluée à la fois en termes de leur capacité à transmettre leur approche de coaching personnel et le style, et en termes d affichage authentiquement compétences de coaching qui résonnent avec leur propre modèle. Cette phase dure une semaine, au début de la deuxième année.
Phase 3 – recherche et développement: Les étudiants doivent remplir une mission de recherche au cours de la deuxième année d inscription. Au cours de cette phase, un tuteur sera attribué à chaque étudiant en fonction du domaine d intérêt de l élève. Les élèves peuvent planifier un certain nombre de sessions en face-à-face avec leurs tuteurs pour discuter des questions de coaching qui peuvent survenir. Le coût d un maximum de cinq de ces sessions est inclus dans les frais de scolarité.
Tout au long de – la pratique triade, la supervision et le coaching: Une partie importante du voyage des étudiants est à l entraîneur et être coaché. Ils doivent effectuer 40 heures de coaching et de recevoir 20 heures de coaching (tous qui est auto-financé).
“5 modules (1 chacun) et un travail de recherche plus de 2 ans”
des modules de programme de la classe
Le programme sera offert à travers des conférences, des tutoriels, des études de cas, des missions, des travaux pratiques et des recherches indépendantes. Le programme de classe couvre les points suivants:
Module 1: Orientation Coaching; Apprendre la théorie et les styles d apprentissage; L apprentissage des adultes et l apprentissage auto-organisé; Formant triades; La psychologie positive; La théorie des systèmes et de sa pertinence pour la gestion des entraîneurs; L éthique dans Coaching; Développement professionnel continu (L art de la réflexion); Integral Coaching Model; Compétences pratiques et de supervision.
Module 2: Cadres Coaching; Le processus de Business Coaching; Coaching for Performance; Modèles expérientiels de Coaching; Le Coaching de jeux de rôle dans la stratégie mise en œuvre; Recherche et développement; Développement professionnel continu, cession, études de cas, des compétences pratiques et de supervision.
Module 3: Coaching pour l alignement organisationnel; Leadership et transformation; Une approche d équipe à des entraîneurs; Recherche et développement; Cession, compétences pratiques et de surveillance; et la psychologie rencontre des entraîneurs (comment connaître vos limites et définir vos limites personnelles et professionnelles).
Module 4: Explorer Conversations d apprentissage dans le contexte de la tradition africaine du conte; Une approche intégrale de Coaching Existentiellement dans un monde Caractérisé par le multiculturalisme; Une approche expérientielle de coaching; Recherche et développement; Pratique des compétences; et la supervision.
Module 5: évaluation professionnelle de l apprentissage Voyage de l étudiant; Évaluation pratique du modèle Coaching et cadre; Évaluation pratique de la capacité des entraîneurs à travers une démonstration du Groupe spécial; La rédaction de rapports; Modération; Rencontre avec Tuteurs; Surveillance.
USB se réserve le droit de modifier le contenu de sujets et de combiner la matière pour une meilleure intégration des domaines d apprentissage. Ceci est dans l intérêt de l amélioration continue du programme d études
Dates pour les modules d apprentissage (obligatoire)
Orientation: 2 – 4 Février 2017
Module 1: 6 – 11 Mars 2017
Module 2: 22 au 27 mai 2017
Module 3: 14 – 19 Août 2017
Module 4: Octobre 30 – 4 Novembre 2017
Module 5: 22 – 26 Janvier 2018 (évaluation professionnelle)
Dates de supervision pour 2017 groupe (obligatoire)
7 – 8 Avril 2017
24 Juin 2017
16 Septembre 2017
6 Janvier 2018
Date limite pour les applications
Étudiants sud-africains: 30 novembre de chaque année
candidats ARPL: 30 octobre de chaque année
Les étudiants étrangers en provenance des pays de la SADC (visa exonéré): 30 octobre de chaque année
Les étudiants étrangers en provenance d autres pays africains et le reste du monde: 30 Septembre de chaque année
Permis d études pour les étudiants étrangers à USB: l obtention d un permis d études (visa d études) des autorités sud-africaines prend jusqu à 12 semaines à partir de la date de se voir offrir une place sur un programme à USB – donc la date limite au début de l application pour les étudiants étrangers.
Plusieurs visas d entrée: Les étudiants des pays africains non-SADC et d autres pays avec l obligation de visa qui ont besoin de demander un visa d études peuvent obtenir une lettre de USB confirmant la durée de l enregistrement à USB. Cela permettra aux étudiants d obtenir l étude visas à entrées multiples en cas d études modulaires.
Horaires change: USB se réserve le droit de modifier les dates de l horaire des cours ou des sujets par table terme. Les étudiants seront informés de toute modification en temps utile.
Les demandes tardives: USB fera tout son possible pour accommoder les demandes présentées après la date de clôture.
Cet établissement propose des programmes en :
Programme entièrement souscrit. Les demandes de ce programme sont maintenant fermés.
Le but de la thèse accréditée internationalement USB dans le financement du développement est de contribuer à une compréhension cruciale du financement du développement et de soutenir les programmes de l Afrique du Sud, le plus grand continent africain et au-delà croissance. Elle conduit également à une expertise employable.
Que pouvez-vous faire avec cette thèse?
Vous serez en mesure de combler les postes de haut niveau visant à soutenir la croissance agendas des organisations, des régions, des pays et même des continents. Expertise dans le financement du développement est généralement requis par les institutions d élaboration des politiques, les gouvernements, les entreprises publiques et privées, les institutions financières et les organisations régionales et internationales.
Aperçu du programme
La recherche formelle sur le niveau du doctorat contribuera de manière significative à une compréhension cruciale de tous les aspects du financement du développement. Elle conduit également à une expertise employable.
Cette thèse vise à développer la recherche et savoirs disciplinaires et des compétences dans le domaine du financement du développement. Le programme a été conçu pour aider les élèves à acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour mener des recherches de pointe et de les doter d une bonne compréhension des principes et des théories qui sous-tendent les pratiques de financement du développement.
Par conséquent, le programme se compose de:
Un programme de base axé sur les disciplines: Cette composante travaux de cours structuré ne porte pas de crédit , mais les candidats sont tenus de transmettre les cours requis et soumettre une proposition complète avant de procéder à la dissertation. Les participants doivent faire trois cours de base au niveau du doctorat. Les étudiants qui ne sont pas diplômés du MPhil de l USB Finance programme de développement (MDevF) en peuvent être tenus de faire trois choix de la MDevF en fonction de leurs domaines d intérêt.
Une thèse de recherche indépendante: En tant que doctorant vous sera appelé à poursuivre la recherche supervisée, aboutissant à une thèse de doctorat qui constitue le produit examinable pour lequel le doctorat est finalement attribué. Cette thèse doit: Représenter une contribution originale et significative à l enrichissement et à l avancement des connaissances sur le financement du développement
Démontrer l originalité de la pensée, un fondement théorique, la pertinence de la discipline et de la rigueur dans l exécution
Créer le capital intellectuel, qui est la pierre angulaire de la société du savoir du 21e siècle.
Format Programme
Première année – 2 blocs de 2 semaines chacun sur le campus: Compte tenu de la nature intensive du programme, le USB préfère les participants à être pleinement résident pour la première année du programme pour leur permettre de faire face aux rigueurs du travail bien sûr. Les conférences sont organisées en deux blocs de deux semaines chacune et ils auront lieu entre Mars et Juin chaque année. Chaque cours est couvert dans un bloc et se compose de conférences hautement interactifs, des séminaires et des discussions de cas. Un étudiant qui ne parvient pas à terminer les travaux de cours et la proposition de recherche après la première année peut être invité à se retirer du programme.
Deuxième et années suivantes: L inscription complète pour travailler sur votre thèse de doctorat. Un chef de promoteur ou de l étude sera nommé une fois que votre proposition de recherche exhaustive a été acceptée. Une fois terminé, votre thèse soumis passera par un processus d approbation dans lequel les examinateurs externes sont impliqués. À la fin de la thèse de la personne inscrite se verra décerner le grade de docteur en philosophie (PhD) en Finance de Développement de l Université de Stellenbosch.
travaux de cours structurés
Au cours de leur première année, les élèves doivent faire les trois cours obligatoires suivants au niveau de doctorat: Techniques de recherche avancée, Théorie avancée et la pratique du développement des finances et de Global Development Finance.
Techniques de recherche avancée
Ce cours est conçu pour aider les élèves à développer les compétences nécessaires pour mener des recherches de pointe dans le domaine du financement du développement et des domaines connexes. Une préoccupation majeure parmi les décideurs politiques et les organismes donateurs est comment surveiller la performance et évaluer l impact des programmes d intervention de financement du développement. Par conséquent, ce cours couvre les compétences requises pour recueillir et analyser les données afin de surveiller et d évaluer efficacement les programmes de financement du développement. Ce cours présente également les étudiants aux différents modèles de recherche et des méthodes adaptées à la fois la collecte de données qualitatives et quantitatives et des analyses. Le cours est organisé en quatre parties:
Partie 1: Les étudiants sont exposés aux philosophies de la recherche, abordant des questions telles que: Quels types de recherche sont là? Comment peut-on évaluer la qualité d un travail de recherche? Quel est le processus chercheur traverse? En substance, cette partie met l accent sur la philosophie et la recherche paradigmes.
Partie 2: Les étudiants sont exposés à des techniques de collecte de données telles que les données primaires et secondaires, ainsi que des données qualitatives et quantitatives. Cette partie souligne comment améliorer la qualité des données recueillies et la façon d évaluer sa valeur.
Partie 3: Les étudiants sont exposés à des techniques avancées d analyse des données en mettant l accent sur les techniques d analyse quantitative, en se concentrant spécifiquement sur les techniques appliquées économétrie statistiques et avancées.
Partie 4: Les élèves sont forés dans l écriture académique de pointe. Cette partie développe la capacité des élèves de présenter des arguments d une manière logique, concise et critique. Il souligne également la qualité de la présentation dans l écriture académique.
Théorie avancée et pratique du développement Finance
Ce cours est spécialement conçu pour approfondir les connaissances des élèves des théories, des principes et des pratiques empiriques de financement du développement qui prévalent entre les programmes de financement du développement national. Cela permettra aux étudiants d appliquer les principes pertinents dans le contexte d une économie en développement. Jeter les bases pour l analyse et l évaluation des finances de développement des cas, des programmes et des politiques, le cours présente, dans le cadre du financement du développement, la théorie de la fondation micro de défaillance du marché, le choix dans l incertitude, l échange dans l incertitude, l asymétrie d information, les marchés incomplets et coûts de transaction. Le cours montre comment ces théories influencent la conception des pratiques de financement du développement commun. Une gamme de pratiques de financement du développement – tels que les systèmes de microfinance, les systèmes de garantie de prêt, les programmes de prêts directs et des programmes de financement de projets – sont également inclus. À la fin du cours, les étudiants devraient être correctement équipés pour:
Réaliser à un niveau avancé de l évaluation et la conception des pratiques de financement du développement commun dans le monde
Creatively avancer la frontière des pratiques de financement du développement dans le contexte de l Afrique et des pays en développement en général.
Global Development Finance
Le financement du développement ne se limite pas aux initiatives nationales. À l échelle mondiale, il y a prise de conscience croissante de la nécessité d attirer des capitaux étrangers pour le développement national. les flux de capitaux étrangers pourraient prendre la forme d investissements étrangers directs (IED), le capital-actions étrangères, la dette extérieure, l aide étrangère ou de l aide publique au développement et les envois de fonds de plus en plus. Le rôle de ces flux de capitaux et la meilleure façon d attirer et de les utiliser, en particulier dans les pays en développement, restent un débat crucial de la politique. En outre, les opérations des institutions financières multilatérales et internationales et leurs protocoles sont complexes. En outre, le débat sur l intégration financière régionale et la promotion des politiques en conséquence comme un mécanisme de développement des marchés financiers nationaux et élargir l accès aux capitaux étrangers comme un moyen de développer les économies nationales ont atteint une ampleur sans précédent dans la dernière décennie. Ce cours se concentre donc sur ces questions et d autres. Le cours démontre également le lien entre l évolution de la scène financière mondiale et les marchés financiers nationaux. Il explore la manière dont les marchés financiers mondiaux peuvent combler le fossé entre les besoins de mobilisation des ressources et de financement nationaux en Afrique. Le cours insiste également sur le rôle des financements extérieurs pour le développement et les mécanismes pour les attirer, et la dynamique des arrangements institutionnels multilatéraux.
À la fin du cours, les étudiants seront bien équipés pour contribuer de façon significative à l analyse et la compréhension des questions en Afrique et jouer un rôle de premier plan dans tracer une voie pour l Afrique.
Une durée minimale d enregistrement de trois ans est nécessaire. Au cours de la première année, les étudiants sont accordés l enregistrement provisoire de la thèse. L inscription complète pour le doctorat ne sera permis qu après l achèvement des travaux de cours et la finalisation de la proposition de recherche.
Cet établissement propose des programmes en :
USB s internationally accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Futures Studies will equip decision makers and strategic planners with essential skills to make long-term strategic decisions so that they can deal with rapid and complex changes both locally and internationally. This programme can also provide access to USB s MPhil in Futures Studies. Both USB s Postgraduate Diploma and MPhil in Futures Studies are the only programmes of their kind in Africa.
Postgraduate Diploma in Futures Studies
USB s one-year Postgraduate Diploma in Futures Studies is designed to expose you to:
The nature of global change, its rapid pace and its ever-increasing complexity
An understanding of the forces and trends that shape the future
Managing organisational strategies so as to create a desired future.
As the only programme of its kind presented in Africa, and one of only a few in the world, it equips candidates with high-level competencies to react meaningfully to growing complexity in the organisational environment while taking into account the unique developmental challenges facing Africa and South Africa. These challenges typically include health deficits, education deficits, global participation and human security.
The programme is presented on NQF Level 8 and it has 120 credits worth of modules. This programme is internationally accredited by AACSB and EQUIS. In South Africa, this qualification is accredited by the South African Council on Higher Education. The language of tuition is English.
This programme can also provide access to USB s MPhil in Futures Studies. Both USB s Postgraduate Diploma and MPhil in Futures Studies are the only programmes of their kind in Africa.
Structure and content
The modules covered are: Applied philosophy; Managing for change; Principles of futures studies; Applied systems thinking; Measuring and making the future; and Understanding the world.
Applied philosophy
Practical logic and critical skills
Philosophy of history
Study of complexity
Managing for change
The link between strategic management and futures research
Using futures studies to effect change and transformation
The role of leadership in planning for the future
Using futures studies to manage and mitigate risk
Principles of futures studies
The key concepts of futures studies and their relevance
History of futures thinking
The application of the most important techniques of futures studies
Distinguishing between good and bad work in futures studies
Conceptual aspects of the future
Applied systems thinking
Systems philosophy
Social systems methodology
Defining problems and designing solutions
Participative democracy and national development
Systems dynamics
Measuring and making the future
Scoping the future
Forecasting techniques
Causal layered analysis
Trend analysis
Megatrend analysis
Qualitative tools
Understanding the world
Globalisation and integration
The economic environment
The political environment
The social environment
The technology environment
The sustainability imperative
Understanding Africa
Cost & Fees
NOTE: The full programme fees for 2017 for South African and other applicants will be made available later this year.
This school offers programs in:
USB’s internationally accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership Development acknowledges leadership as the prime driver of a culture of performance. That is why this one-year modular programme focuses on your development as a leader and not on managerial functions such as finance, marketing and economics. These leadership competencies can be applied in any industry, anywhere in the world.
This programme is aimed at managers in the private and public sector, professionals who want to prepare for managerial positions, and those who want to broaden their leadership competencies.
Learning philosophy
Approach to learning
The content of this programme is rooted in well-founded academic research and internationally benchmarked theory and practices. The main objective is to encourage students to combine academic rigour and experiential learning. Students are mentored throughout the programme. The learning philosophy of this programme is based on the following:
Integrating theory and practice: This postgraduate diploma provides learners with both the theoretical and practical underpinning of sustainable high-performance leadership development. The theoretical part of the course is delivered through a class programme of lectures, case studies, tutorials and assignments, while the practical part mainly consists of syndicate groups, peer-based interaction and feedback, and workplace application.
Finding an authentic personal leadership style: Participants are exposed to various leadership models, approaches and frameworks. At the same time, each is encouraged to discover and experiment with the approaches and frameworks that work best for him/her in order to develop a personal and authentic framework, approach and style of leadership.
International application with local specialisation: The programme adheres to international best practice, while at the same time emphasising leadership development in a uniquely African context, shaped by diversity and varied cultural and educational backgrounds. It is particularly relevant to South African managers and leaders, as it takes into account the diversity, traditions and multicultural environments of this country and the greater African continent.
Extensive support: Participants receive comprehensive support throughout the programme. Students will also be divided into syndicate groups (support groups of fellow students) based on their learning styles and place of residence.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the programme, successful participants will:
Understand and be able to apply high-performance leadership across the four dimensions of Me (personal leadership), We (interpersonal or team leadership), Work (organisational leadership) and World (societal leadership).
Understand personal leadership styles, perspectives and preferences, and use this knowledge to identify personal strengths and developmental needs.
Understand and work with the dynamics of leadership in teams and at an interpersonal level to optimise team and/or interpersonal leadership.
Understand how aspects of organisational leadership and development impact on sustainable performance, and assess the status of organisations against internationally benchmarked best practices: practicing strategy execution; utilising structures to create challenging work and drive performance through hierarchy; attracting, developing and retaining talent as a key competitive advantage; entrenching the business disciplines of leveraging information and performance management to drive performance and people commitment; aligning reward and recognition systems to achieve organisational goals; aligning the interests of diverse stakeholders; and turning change leadership into a core competence.
Drive the transformation of leadership and values to entrench positive and sustainable leadership as the primary organising principle for leadership across all four dimensions.
Assess the role of the organisation in the broader society in areas of governance, sustainable environments, private-public partnerships, and contribution to societal transformation
Students need to complete seven compulsory modules and one elective. The modules establish the foundations of the four dimensions of leadership development, namely ME-WE-WORK-WORLD, or personal leadership, interpersonal and team leadership, organisational leadership and societal leadership. The optional elective enables students to develop a specific leadership attribute or a more specialised core competence.
MODULE S – all seven are compulsory
Module 1: High-performance Personal Authentic Leadership (14 credits)
Module 2: High-impact Leadership and Teaming (10 credits)
Module 3: Creating and Leading High-performance Organisational Culture (14 credits)
Module 4: Multiculturism, Transformation and Competitiveness (10 credits)
Module 5: Strategy as the Art of Execution (14 credits)
Module 6: The Role of Business in Society (10 credits)
Module 7: Growth and Application of Personal Authentic Leadership (28 credits)
ELECTIVES – choose one
Negotiation and Change Leadership (20 credits)
Process-oriented Leadership and Systems Dynamics (20 credits)
Leaders Coaching Leaders (20 credits)
Cost & Fees
NOTE: The full programme fees for 2017 for South African and other applicants will be made available later this year.
This school offers programs in:
USB’s NEW 1-year professional MBA
USB’s MBA has been redesigned to better fulfil the needs of today’s students. The previous (longer) MBA, presented up till 2015, has now been restructured into a 213-credit programme on NQF Level 9. All formats of the USB MBA have been shortened and this takes effect from 2016.
Important: You must now have a 4-year Bachelor’s degree or an Honour’s degree or a 3-year Bachelor’s degree plus a Postgraduate Diploma before you are allowed entry into the new MBA.
USB’s new Full-time MBA in a nutshell
Duration: 1 year (2 years in the past)
Contents: 18 compulsory modules (including International Study Module at foreign business school and Research Assignment) and electives
Why choose USB s Full-time MBA?
If you want to operate at senior management level and lead with confidence, USB s triple accredited MBA will prepare you for this. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider our Full-time MBA:
3 international accreditations: AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA
Increased international exposure: In the Full-time MBA class, you will be joined by international students and exchange students from all over the world, allowing you to learn from their work experiences and cultural backgrounds. All MBA students also have to attend a compulsory International Study Module at a foreign business school (cost module included in MBA fees)
Single-minded focus: Immerse yourself in your studies (11 months of classes) without the demands of a job
Preparation for a career change: Take a break from full-time employment and prepare yourself for a new career
Contact with the business environment: Make the most of speaker and networking events in class and on campus to meet business leaders and industry experts.
Structure and content
USB’s MBA is structured into 18 compulsory modules and a choice of electives. The compulsory modules include the Research Assignment, which spans the entire MBA, and the International Study Module at a foreign business school.
Accounting for Decision-Making (8 credits)
Business Communication Skills (4 credits)
Business in Society (8 credits)
Contemporary Decision-Making (12 credits)
Corporate Finance (12 credits)
Digital Enterprise Management (8 credits)
Economics for Managers (8 credits)
Human Capital Management (8 credits)
Integrated Case Studies (8 credits)
International Study Module (8 credits)
Operational Excellence (8 credits)
Perspectives on African Frontiers (8 credits)
Managerial Accounting (8 credits)
Managerial Statistics (8 credits)
Research Methodology and Assignment (45 credits)
Strategic Management (12 credits)
Strategic Marketing and Branding (8 credits)
Values-Based Leadership (16 credits)
You need to select two electives of 8 credits each, or one elective of 16 credits. The electives have been grouped together in specialisation streams. By choosing electives from the same speciality, students can acquire areas of expertise in Strategy, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Developing Markets, Project Management or other management areas.
The structure and content of the Full-time course are identical to that of the Modular programme, but the course is completed over a shorter period of time. The compulsory International Study Module (one week) at a foreign business school (various options) usually takes place during the June-July holiday break.
Full-time MBA timetables for 2016
Term 1: 13 January – 18 March
Term 2: 5 April – 24 June
Term 3: 18 July – 30 September
Term 4: 10 October – 12 November
Deadline for applications
South African students: 30 November each year
Foreign students from (visa-exempt) SADC countries: 30 October each year
Foreign students from other African countries and rest of world: 30 September each year
Study permits for foreign students at USB: Obtaining a study permit (study visa) from the South African authorities takes up to 12 weeks from the date of being offered a place on a programme at USB – hence the early application deadline for foreign students.
Multiple-entry visas: Students from non-SADC African countries and other countries with visa requirements who need to apply for study visas can obtain a letter from USB confirming the duration of registration at USB. This will help students to obtain multiple-entry study visas in case of modular studies.
Timetable changes USB reserves the right to change dates of the lecture schedule or subjects per term table. Students will be informed of any changes in good time. Late applications: USB will do everything possible to accommodate applications submitted after the closing date.
This school offers programs in:
USB’s internationally accredited MPhil in Futures Studies builds on the School’s Postgraduate Diploma in Futures Studies to deepen your understanding of futures concepts and futures tools. As such, it is aimed at anyone who wants to bring about a more desirable future. It is also aimed at turning you into a professional futurist. This qualification will therefore equip decision makers and strategic planners with essential skills to make strategic long-term decisions so that they can deal with rapid and complex changes both locally and internationally. This is the only MPhil degree of its kind in Africa.
What can you do with this qualification?
Make strategic decisions for the long term: This qualification will equip decision makers and strategic planners with essential skills to make strategic long-term decisions so that they can deal with rapid and complex changes both locally and internationally.
Deal with change and complexity: This programme will equip decision makers with ways to deal with change and to make the right decisions to at least survive but preferably thrive as a result of change. The programme will also equip you with techniques and methods to react meaningfully to the growing complexity in the organisational environment and world affairs, especially from an African perspective.
Create a desired future: This programme is aimed at anybody who wants to bring about a more ideal future or a desired future, who is willing to engage in meaningful conversations about the future with like-minded people, and who wants to do so in a way that has a scientific base.
Develop creativity and professionalism in Futures Studies: The development of creativity and professionalism in the field of Futures Studies is an important overall objective of the programme. Students will be encouraged to develop their own models and practical applications, design protocols and test these in a variety of environments.
Become a professional futurist: The content of the programme is aligned with the professional and intellectual skills required for futurists. During the programme you will acquire skills such as consultation and facilitation capabilities, project management, stakeholder analysis, environmental scanning, managing the scenario process, designing a futures project, systems simulation, and strategic planning. The research project is regarded as the culmination of the learning experience, offering you the opportunity to apply the knowledge and abilities you have acquired to a specific field of your choice.
Programme format
This programme runs over 2 years, covering 5 modules and a research assignment. The five modules are: Scanning the environment, Quantitative and qualitative futures studies methods, Demography, Technology futures and Applied futures studies.
The course content is presented through a series of lectures and workshops, delivered in blended learning format. With blended learning you can choose between on-campus classes and online classes. This makes the programme convenient and accessible for busy business people and executives. It also means you can study while you work. Students have to be thoroughly prepared for blended learning lectures so as to extract optimal benefit from contact sessions.
For the course-based part of the programme, you can choose between attending weekly classes (4-hour classes) on campus or, alternatively, downstreaming the classes by logging in and participating online using your own computer or device.
Course material is composed of comprehensive course outlines, text books and journal articles.
Year 1: Approximately 25 blended learning classes of 4 hours each (1 class per week): February – October
Year 2: Research assignment and regular consultations with your study leader
Deadline for applications
Students from South Africa and (visa-exempt) SADC countries: 30 November each year
Foreign students from non-SADC African countries and rest of world: 30 September each year
Study permits for foreign students at USB: Obtaining a study permit (study visa) from the South African authorities takes up to 12 weeks from the date of being offered a place on a programme at USB – hence the early application deadline for foreign students.
Multiple entry visas: Students from non-SADC African countries and other countries with visa requirements who need to apply for study visas can obtain a letter from USB confirming the duration of registration at USB. This will help students to obtain multiple-entry study visas in case of modular studies.
Timetable changes: USB reserves the right to change dates of the lecture schedule or subjects per term table. Students will be informed of any changes in good time.
Late applications: USB will do everything possible to accommodate applications submitted after the closing date.
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for this programme, students must complete and pass USB s Postgraduate Diploma in Futures Studies with an average of at least 65%. Students must attend the prescribed programme at USB for at least one year. All modules must be passed for the degree to be conferred.
This school offers programs in:
USB s internationally accredited Ph.D. in Futures Studies builds on the School s MPhil in Futures Studies and forms part of its Futures Studies cluster of programmes. It allows students to become specialists in this field by acquiring in-depth knowledge through doctoral research. This is the only Ph.D. degree of its kind in Africa.
Creating new knowledge
As a Ph.D. student at USB, you will be expected to pursue supervised research, culminating in a doctoral dissertation. This dissertation must:
Represent an original and significant contribution to the enrichment and advancement of knowledge in the chosen area
Demonstrate originality of thought, a theoretical underpinning, relevance to the discipline and rigor in execution
Create intellectual capital, which is the cornerstone of today s knowledge society.
Who should enroll?
The programme is aimed at professional futurists, decision makers and strategic planners who would like to distinguish themselves through in-depth research aimed at helping people to bring about a more desirable future. It will prepare them for senior-level positions in government, public and private corporations, financial institutions, and sub-regional, regional and international organizations. It could also enable candidates to become lecturers at academic institutions.
A minimum registration period of two years is required.
Why do your Ph.D. at USB?
Enrolling for your Ph.D. at USB holds various benefits:
Acquire a globally acknowledged Ph.D.: USB holds all three international accreditations for business schools – AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. USB is also a member of the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) and the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative s Global Doctoral Alliance (GDA), which holds benefits and creates opportunities for USB s doctoral students.
Engage in research that creates employable knowledge: USB s Ph.D. programme seeks to develop research that is relevant to organizations in private or public sector.
Make your research meaningful: As a signatory to the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative s Global Doctoral Alliance, USB is committed to incorporating the societal dimension of business and sustainability in its Ph.D. research. The GRLI promotes responsible management education, asking Ph.D. candidates: What kind of problem do you have in the work environment that can be changed to make the world a better place?
Join a research community: At USB, various people are involved in your research – not only your supervisor. This leads to input and support from a diverse group of academics in a multidisciplinary environment. USB s Research Colloquia provides a platform to engage with other Ph.D. candidates and their supervisors. It also gives you the opportunity to present your research as it develops to this select audience and to gain insight from them.
How to apply
Apply in 3 steps
Complete the application form: Contact Prof André Roux at Andre.Roux@usb.ac.za for the Ph.D. application form. Please note that this is an application for doctoral studies. It does NOT imply acceptance as a doctoral candidate or registrant. You will be able to complete the form in steps without losing information. The application process is the same for South African and foreign students.
Pay your application fee: Bank: Standard Bank; Type of account: cheque account; Account name: US Business School; Account number: 073003069; Branch name: Stellenbosch; Branch code: 050610; Beneficiary name: Stellenbosch University; SWIFT code: SBZAZAJJ. Cheques made out to Stellenbosch University. Proof of payment of your application fee can also be e-mailed to appollisa@sun.ac.za.
Prepare and upload the following:
Signed declaration form
Proof of payment of application fee
Acceptance form
Initial research proposal
Cover letter
Certified copies of academic records
Certified copies of degree certificates
Motivational essay (short essay on your academic and/or professional achievements which have contributed most to your development and your educational goals, research interests and professional aims)
Curriculum vitae (CV)
Copy of ID (or passport for non-South African students)
Marriage certificate (if married and female; to verify degree certificates)
Entry Requirements
For admission to the Ph.D. in Futures Studies, you will require USB s MPhil in Futures Studies or a relevant master s degree which included a substantial written thesis.
More information
The Doctoral Research Committee annually assesses application packages at the end of April and the end of October annually. For more details, please contact Prof André Roux, Head of Ph.D. in Futures Studies at USB:
E-mail: Andre.Roux@usb.ac.za Telephone: +27 (0)21 918 4371
This school offers programs in: